Prop Rentals with Netflix, HBO & HULU A New Era on the Small Screen
Every year, TV pilot season begins in early march and always promises to bring some exciting new productions to San Francisco. This years introduction of alternate viewing mediums has challenged the status quo and brought a new creative force to “television”: Netflix continued season two of Sense8 and Hulu shot two years of episodes for Chance. Both programs rented props and purchased furniture from Harrington Galleries and we look forward to seeing our inventory on the small screen.
Chance features Hugh Laurie as a forensic neuro-psychiatrist in San Francisco. He reluctantly enters a dangerous and violent world of mistaken identity, police corruption and mental illness.
Did you know that the Chance director is Irish Oscar nominated film director? Lenny Abrahamson was born in Dublin and directed The Room which went on to win many accolades
Sense8 tells the story of eight strangers each from a different culture and part of the world. When the eight suddenly experience a vision of the violent death of a woman called Angelica, they discover that they are “sensates”: otherwise normal humans linked with a mental and emotional connection, making them able to sense and communicate with each other, as well as share their knowledge, language and skills.
Did you know that the Sense8 sibling directors are both transgender? Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski are sibling American film directors, screenwriters, and producers.They are both openly transgender women.Known together professionally as The Wachowskis and formerly as The Wachowski Brothers, the pair made their directing debut in 1996 with Bound, and reached fame with their second film The Matrix (1999).
We love that HBO’s Looking shops locally and supports small business. The entire production is a win win for the city, the SF Film Commission and the many other people hired and employed in the San Francisco crew who create a special vignette into our world.
Dolores Claibourne, SF Opera
After renting to the mastermind set designers at the SF Opera for years, we were able to witness their talents first hand at the visually stunning multimedia tour de force opera, Dolores Claiborne. In the set, there were quite a few pieces from Harrington’s like the vintage 1940s dinette set (above). However the real stars were the set designers, actors and the one of a kind cinematic effects. While this was based on Steven King’s novel and followed by the film, this live opera production pulled you into the sets as if you were on stage with the actors.
We’re excited to share that a wide range of inventory from Harrington Galleries was recently featured in the award-winning feature film MILK. The film, shot throughout San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood, featured a wide variety of sets and location styling.
Knife Fight
Knife Fight came and went pretty quickly but featured some vintage modern pieces from Harringtons.
So I Married an Axe Murderer and Nash Bridges
Nash Bridges and So I Married and Axe Murder were the first programs that rented props from Harrington Galleries. While these production go way back to 1993 and 1996, both programs were pivotal to the film and TV production in San Francisco and began our three decades of prop rental services at Harrington Galleries.